

モデレータ: 暇人, YoN, nyu

記事: 96
登録日時: 14/02/19(水) 17:50


投稿記事 by ssnys »

Puppy Linux(Precise-571JP)ではGeanyや、LeafpadなどのGUIテキストエディターがあり、nanoはあまり利用されていないかもしれませんが、viともEmacsとも違う直感的な操作ができるスクリーンエディタのため、利用してみるとそれなりに便利です。ただnanoのキーバインディングは特殊なため、`~/.nanorc`の設定を変更しWindowsに似せてみました。各種言語のシンタックスハイライトも有効にしています。

コード: 全て選択

## Sample initialization file for GNU nano.
## Please note that you must have configured nano with --enable-nanorc
## for this file to be read!  Also note that this file should not be in
## DOS or Mac format, and that characters specially interpreted by the
## shell should not be escaped here.
## To make sure a value is disabled, use "unset <option>".
## For the options that take parameters, the default value is given.
## Other options are unset by default.
## Quotes inside string parameters don't have to be escaped with
## backslashes.  The last double quote in the string will be treated as
## its end.  For example, for the "brackets" option, ""')>]}" will match
## ", ', ), >, ], and }.

## Use auto-indentation.
set autoindent

## Backup files to filename~.
set backup

## The directory to put unique backup files in.
set backupdir "/tmp"

## Do backwards searches by default.
# set backwards

## Use bold text instead of reverse video text.
# set boldtext

## The characters treated as closing brackets when justifying
## paragraphs.  They cannot contain blank characters.  Only closing
## punctuation, optionally followed by closing brackets, can end
## sentences.
# set brackets ""')>]}"

## Do case sensitive searches by default.
# set casesensitive

## Constantly display the cursor position in the statusbar.  Note that
## this overrides "quickblank".
set const

## Use cut to end of line by default.
# set cut

## Set the line length for wrapping text and justifying paragraphs.
## If fill is 0 or less, the line length will be the screen width less
## this number.
# set fill -8

## Enable ~/.nano_history for saving and reading search/replace strings.
set historylog

## The opening and closing brackets that can be found by bracket
## searches.  They cannot contain blank characters.  The former set must
## come before the latter set, and both must be in the same order.
# set matchbrackets "(<[{)>]}"

## Use the blank line below the titlebar as extra editing space.
set morespace

## Enable mouse support, if available for your system.  When enabled,
## mouse clicks can be used to place the cursor, set the mark (with a
## double click), and execute shortcuts.  The mouse will work in the X
## Window System, and on the console when gpm is running.
# set mouse

## Allow multiple file buffers (inserting a file will put it into a
## separate buffer).  You must have configured with --enable-multibuffer
## for this to work.
set multibuffer

## Don't convert files from DOS/Mac format.
# set noconvert

## Don't follow symlinks when writing files.
# set nofollow

## Don't display the helpful shortcut lists at the bottom of the screen.
set nohelp

## Don't add newlines to the ends of files.
set nonewlines

## Don't wrap text at all.
set nowrap

## Set operating directory.  nano will not read or write files outside
## this directory and its subdirectories.  Also, the current directory
## is changed to here, so any files are inserted from this dir.  A blank
## string means the operating directory feature is turned off.
# set operatingdir ""

## Preserve the XON and XOFF keys (^Q and ^S).
# set preserve

## The characters treated as closing punctuation when justifying
## paragraphs.  They cannot contain blank characters.  Only closing
## punctuation, optionally followed by closing brackets, can end
## sentences.
# set punct "!.?"

## Do quick statusbar blanking.  Statusbar messages will disappear after
## 1 keystroke instead of 26.  Note that "const" overrides this.
# set quickblank

## The email-quote string, used to justify email-quoted paragraphs.
## This is an extended regular expression if your system supports them,
## otherwise a literal string.  Default:
# set quotestr "^([ 	]*[#:>\|}])+"
## if you have extended regular expression support, otherwise:
# set quotestr "> "

## Fix Backspace/Delete confusion problem.
# set rebinddelete

## Fix numeric keypad key confusion problem.
# set rebindkeypad

## Do extended regular expression searches by default.
# set regexp

## Make the Home key smarter.  When Home is pressed anywhere but at the
## very beginning of non-whitespace characters on a line, the cursor
## will jump to that beginning (either forwards or backwards).  If the
## cursor is already at that position, it will jump to the true
## beginning of the line.
# set smarthome

## Use smooth scrolling as the default.
set smooth

## Enable soft line wrapping (AKA full line display).
# set softwrap

## Use this spelling checker instead of the internal one.  This option
## does not properly have a default value.
# set speller "aspell -x -c"

## Allow nano to be suspended.
set suspend

## Use this tab size instead of the default; it must be greater than 0.
set tabsize 2

## Convert typed tabs to spaces.
# set tabstospaces

## Save automatically on exit, don't prompt.
# set tempfile

## Enable the new (EXPERIMENTAL) generic undo code, not just for line
## cuts.
set undo

## Disallow file modification.  Why would you want this in an rcfile? ;)
# set view

## The two single-column characters used to display the first characters
## of tabs and spaces.  187 in ISO 8859-1 (0000BB in Unicode) and 183 in
## ISO-8859-1 (0000B7 in Unicode) seem to be good values for these.
# set whitespace "  "

## Detect word boundaries more accurately by treating punctuation
## characters as parts of words.
# set wordbounds

## Color setup
## Format:
## syntax "short description" ["filename regex" ...]
## The "none" syntax is reserved; specifying it on the command line is
## the same as not having a syntax at all.  The "default" syntax is
## special: it takes no filename regexes, and applies to files that
## don't match any other syntax's filename regexes.
## color foreground,background "regex" ["regex"...]
## or
## icolor foreground,background "regex" ["regex"...]
## "color" will do case sensitive matches, while "icolor" will do case
## insensitive matches.
## Valid colors: white, black, red, blue, green, yellow, magenta, cyan.
## For foreground colors, you may use the prefix "bright" to get a
## stronger highlight.
## To use multi-line regexes, use the start="regex" end="regex"
## [start="regex" end="regex"...] format.
## If your system supports transparency, not specifying a background
## color will use a transparent color.  If you don't want this, be sure
## to set the background color to black or white.
## If you wish, you may put your syntaxes in separate files.  You can
## make use of such files (which can only include "syntax", "color", and
## "icolor" commands) as follows:
## include "/path/to/syntax_file.nanorc"
## Unless otherwise noted, the name of the syntax file (without the
## ".nanorc" extension) should be the same as the "short description"
## name inside that file.  These names are kept fairly short to make
## them easier to remember and faster to type using nano's -Y option.
## All regexes should be extended regular expressions.

## Key bindings
## Please see nanorc(5) for more details on this
## Here are some samples to get you going
# bind M-W nowrap main
# bind M-A casesens search
# bind ^S research main

## Set this if your backspace key sends delete most of the time (2.1.3+)
# bind kdel backspace all

bind ^W exit all
bind F4 exit all
bind ^S writeout all
bind ^O insert all
bind ^R refresh all
bind F5 refresh all
bind M-D suspend all

bind M-A firstline main
bind M-E lastline main
bind M-F nextword main
bind M-B prevword main
bind ^A home main
bind ^E end main

bind ^J justify main
bind ^X cut main
bind ^V uncut main
bind M-Space mark main
bind ^C copytext main

bind ^L gotoline all
bind ^F whereis all
bind ^G searchagain all
bind F3 searchagain all
bind ^H replace all

bind ^Z undo main
bind ^Y redo main

bind ^I indent main
bind ^U unindent main

bind ^R regexp search
bind ^R regexp replace
bind ^I casesens search
bind ^I casesens replace

bind M-A firstfile browser
bind M-E lastfile browser

bind M-H nohelp all
上記の設定はnano 2.2.6のものです。


💻Lenovo G550(CPU: Intel Celeron 900 @ 2.20GHz, RAM: 971MB, HDD: 149.05GiB) + Precise-571JP
🖥HITACHI FLORA 310 DL7(CPU: Intel Pentium III 700 MHz, RAM:512MB) + Precise-571JP
記事: 1240
登録日時: 14/11/24(月) 12:12

Re: Windowsのキーバインドに似せたnanoの設定

投稿記事 by ルビー »

ssnys さんが書きました:Puppy Linux(Precise-571JP)ではGeanyや、LeafpadなどのGUIテキストエディターがあり、nanoはあまり利用されていないかもしれませんが、viともEmacsとも違う直感的な操作ができるスクリーンエディタのため、利用してみるとそれなりに便利です。


記事: 96
登録日時: 14/02/19(水) 17:50

Re: Windowsのキーバインドに似せたnanoの設定

投稿記事 by ssnys »

ルビーさん、返信頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。 :D

まず最初に、改めてひとつ前の当方の投稿をつぶさに読み返してみましたところ、言葉足らずや手違い故、一部誤解を招きかねない表現や内容の不足などがございました。 :cry:
ssnys さんが書きました: Puppy Linux(Precise-571JP)ではGeanyや、LeafpadなどのGUIテキストエディターがあり、nanoはあまり利用されていないかもしれませんが、viともEmacsとも違う直感的な操作ができるスクリーンエディタのため、利用してみるとそれなりに便利です。

ssnys さんが書きました: 各種言語のシンタックスハイライトも有効にしています。

コード: 全て選択

## Sample initialization file for GNU nano.
## Please note that you must have configured nano with --enable-nanorc
## for this file to be read!  Also note that this file should not be in
## DOS or Mac format, and that characters specially interpreted by the
## shell should not be escaped here.
## To make sure a value is disabled, use "unset <option>".
## For the options that take parameters, the default value is given.
## Other options are unset by default.
## Quotes inside string parameters don't have to be escaped with
## backslashes.  The last double quote in the string will be treated as
## its end.  For example, for the "brackets" option, ""')>]}" will match
## ", ', ), >, ], and }.

## Use auto-indentation.
set autoindent

## Backup files to filename~.
set backup

## The directory to put unique backup files in.
set backupdir "/tmp"

## Do backwards searches by default.
# set backwards

## Use bold text instead of reverse video text.
# set boldtext

## The characters treated as closing brackets when justifying
## paragraphs.  They cannot contain blank characters.  Only closing
## punctuation, optionally followed by closing brackets, can end
## sentences.
# set brackets ""')>]}"

## Do case sensitive searches by default.
# set casesensitive

## Constantly display the cursor position in the statusbar.  Note that
## this overrides "quickblank".
set const

## Use cut to end of line by default.
# set cut

## Set the line length for wrapping text and justifying paragraphs.
## If fill is 0 or less, the line length will be the screen width less
## this number.
# set fill -8

## Enable ~/.nano_history for saving and reading search/replace strings.
set historylog

## The opening and closing brackets that can be found by bracket
## searches.  They cannot contain blank characters.  The former set must
## come before the latter set, and both must be in the same order.
# set matchbrackets "(<[{)>]}"

## Use the blank line below the titlebar as extra editing space.
set morespace

## Enable mouse support, if available for your system.  When enabled,
## mouse clicks can be used to place the cursor, set the mark (with a
## double click), and execute shortcuts.  The mouse will work in the X
## Window System, and on the console when gpm is running.
# set mouse

## Allow multiple file buffers (inserting a file will put it into a
## separate buffer).  You must have configured with --enable-multibuffer
## for this to work.
set multibuffer

## Don't convert files from DOS/Mac format.
# set noconvert

## Don't follow symlinks when writing files.
# set nofollow

## Don't display the helpful shortcut lists at the bottom of the screen.
set nohelp

## Don't add newlines to the ends of files.
set nonewlines

## Don't wrap text at all.
set nowrap

## Set operating directory.  nano will not read or write files outside
## this directory and its subdirectories.  Also, the current directory
## is changed to here, so any files are inserted from this dir.  A blank
## string means the operating directory feature is turned off.
# set operatingdir ""

## Preserve the XON and XOFF keys (^Q and ^S).
# set preserve

## The characters treated as closing punctuation when justifying
## paragraphs.  They cannot contain blank characters.  Only closing
## punctuation, optionally followed by closing brackets, can end
## sentences.
# set punct "!.?"

## Do quick statusbar blanking.  Statusbar messages will disappear after
## 1 keystroke instead of 26.  Note that "const" overrides this.
# set quickblank

## The email-quote string, used to justify email-quoted paragraphs.
## This is an extended regular expression if your system supports them,
## otherwise a literal string.  Default:
# set quotestr "^([ 	]*[#:>\|}])+"
## if you have extended regular expression support, otherwise:
# set quotestr "> "

## Fix Backspace/Delete confusion problem.
# set rebinddelete

## Fix numeric keypad key confusion problem.
# set rebindkeypad

## Do extended regular expression searches by default.
# set regexp

## Make the Home key smarter.  When Home is pressed anywhere but at the
## very beginning of non-whitespace characters on a line, the cursor
## will jump to that beginning (either forwards or backwards).  If the
## cursor is already at that position, it will jump to the true
## beginning of the line.
# set smarthome

## Use smooth scrolling as the default.
set smooth

## Enable soft line wrapping (AKA full line display).
# set softwrap

## Use this spelling checker instead of the internal one.  This option
## does not properly have a default value.
# set speller "aspell -x -c"

## Allow nano to be suspended.
set suspend

## Use this tab size instead of the default; it must be greater than 0.
set tabsize 2

## Convert typed tabs to spaces.
# set tabstospaces

## Save automatically on exit, don't prompt.
# set tempfile

## Enable the new (EXPERIMENTAL) generic undo code, not just for line
## cuts.
set undo

## Disallow file modification.  Why would you want this in an rcfile? ;)
# set view

## The two single-column characters used to display the first characters
## of tabs and spaces.  187 in ISO 8859-1 (0000BB in Unicode) and 183 in
## ISO-8859-1 (0000B7 in Unicode) seem to be good values for these.
# set whitespace "  "

## Detect word boundaries more accurately by treating punctuation
## characters as parts of words.
# set wordbounds

## Color setup
## Format:
## syntax "short description" ["filename regex" ...]
## The "none" syntax is reserved; specifying it on the command line is
## the same as not having a syntax at all.  The "default" syntax is
## special: it takes no filename regexes, and applies to files that
## don't match any other syntax's filename regexes.
## color foreground,background "regex" ["regex"...]
## or
## icolor foreground,background "regex" ["regex"...]
## "color" will do case sensitive matches, while "icolor" will do case
## insensitive matches.
## Valid colors: white, black, red, blue, green, yellow, magenta, cyan.
## For foreground colors, you may use the prefix "bright" to get a
## stronger highlight.
## To use multi-line regexes, use the start="regex" end="regex"
## [start="regex" end="regex"...] format.
## If your system supports transparency, not specifying a background
## color will use a transparent color.  If you don't want this, be sure
## to set the background color to black or white.
## If you wish, you may put your syntaxes in separate files.  You can
## make use of such files (which can only include "syntax", "color", and
## "icolor" commands) as follows:
## include "/path/to/syntax_file.nanorc"
## Unless otherwise noted, the name of the syntax file (without the
## ".nanorc" extension) should be the same as the "short description"
## name inside that file.  These names are kept fairly short to make
## them easier to remember and faster to type using nano's -Y option.
## All regexes should be extended regular expressions.

## Key bindings
## Please see nanorc(5) for more details on this
## Here are some samples to get you going
# bind M-W nowrap main
# bind M-A casesens search
# bind ^S research main

## Set this if your backspace key sends delete most of the time (2.1.3+)
# bind kdel backspace all

bind ^W exit all
bind F4 exit all
bind ^S writeout all
bind ^O insert all
bind ^R refresh all
bind F5 refresh all
bind M-D suspend all

bind M-A firstline main
bind M-E lastline main
bind M-F nextword main
bind M-B prevword main
bind ^A home main
bind ^E end main

bind ^J justify main
bind ^X cut main
bind ^V uncut main
bind M-Space mark main
bind ^C copytext main

bind ^L gotoline all
bind ^F whereis all
bind ^G searchagain all
bind F3 searchagain all
bind ^H replace all

bind ^Z undo main
bind ^Y redo main

bind ^I indent main
bind ^U unindent main

bind ^R regexp search
bind ^R regexp replace
bind ^I casesens search
bind ^I casesens replace

bind M-A firstfile browser
bind M-E lastfile browser

bind M-H nohelp all

## Nanorc files
include "~/.nano/syntax/nanorc.nanorc"

## C/C++
include "~/.nano/syntax/c.nanorc"

## Makefiles
include "~/.nano/syntax/makefile.nanorc"

## Cascading Style Sheets
include "~/.nano/syntax/css.nanorc"

## Debian files
include "~/.nano/syntax/debian.nanorc"

## Gentoo files
include "~/.nano/syntax/gentoo.nanorc"

include "~/.nano/syntax/html.nanorc"

## PHP
include "~/.nano/syntax/php.nanorc"

## TCL
include "~/.nano/syntax/tcl.nanorc"

## TeX
include "~/.nano/syntax/tex.nanorc"

## Quoted emails (under e.g. mutt)
include "~/.nano/syntax/mutt.nanorc"

## Patch files
include "~/.nano/syntax/patch.nanorc"

## Manpages
include "~/.nano/syntax/man.nanorc"

## Groff
include "~/.nano/syntax/groff.nanorc"

## Perl
include "~/.nano/syntax/perl.nanorc"

## Python
include "~/.nano/syntax/python.nanorc"

## Ruby
include "~/.nano/syntax/ruby.nanorc"

## Java
include "~/.nano/syntax/java.nanorc"

## Fortran
include "~/.nano/syntax/fortran.nanorc"

## Objective-C
include "~/.nano/syntax/objc.nanorc"

## OCaml
include "~/.nano/syntax/ocaml.nanorc"

## AWK
include "~/.nano/syntax/awk.nanorc"

## Assembler
include "~/.nano/syntax/asm.nanorc"

## Bourne shell scripts
include "~/.nano/syntax/sh.nanorc"

## POV-Ray
include "~/.nano/syntax/pov.nanorc"

## XML-type files
include "~/.nano/syntax/xml.nanorc"
ssnys さんが書きました: ちなみにnanoと同様、直感的な操作が可能なスクリーンエディタには以下のようなものがあります。触ってみましたが、どれも非常に優れたエディタです。

ルビー さんが書きました: エディタに求める物は、人それぞれだと思うけど、非GUI環境ならばともかく、パピーのGUI環境で、あえてGeanyやLeafpadを押しのけて、端末で使うnanoを勧める理由を教えてください。
ルビー さんが書きました: UTF-8のみでCP932も読めないのに、Windowsライクのキーバインドにしても、ありがたみがないです。

  • 使用メモリー量が少ない
  • 起動が少しだけ早く感じる
  • 仮想端末の設定をそのまま引き継げる

今回ルビーさんから返信を頂いたことよって、以前の不適切な投稿を改めて見直し、訂正する機会となりました。誠にありがとうございます。 :P
💻Lenovo G550(CPU: Intel Celeron 900 @ 2.20GHz, RAM: 971MB, HDD: 149.05GiB) + Precise-571JP
🖥HITACHI FLORA 310 DL7(CPU: Intel Pentium III 700 MHz, RAM:512MB) + Precise-571JP
記事: 1240
登録日時: 14/11/24(月) 12:12

Re: Windowsのキーバインドに似せたnanoの設定

投稿記事 by ルビー »




ssnys さんが書きました:「GeanyやLeafpadを押しのけて」とありますが、ここで用いられている「押しのけて」が、どういった意味かは当方の愚鈍さ故計り兼ねますが、

記事: 1240
登録日時: 14/11/24(月) 12:12

Re: Windowsのキーバインドに似せたnanoの設定

投稿記事 by ルビー »

ルビー さんが書きました:その上、コマンド叩いてエディタを起動して、全部CUIのnanoを喜んで使うとは思えないので、質問した次第です。
ssnys さんが書きました:各種言語のシンタックスハイライトも有効にしているとの記述にも関わらず、設定ファイルの内容にはシンタックスハイライトを有効にする記述が含まれていませんでした。本来の~/.nanorcの内容は以下のような記述になります。
記事: 96
登録日時: 14/02/19(水) 17:50

Re: Windowsのキーバインドに似せたnanoの設定

投稿記事 by ssnys »

ルビーさん、返信頂きまして誠にありがとうございます。 :D
ルビー さんが書きました: HOWTOは、どちらかと言えば、初心者の手助けになる様な事を書く所だと思います。
当方この掲示板で積極的に活動していないため、掲示板内のローカルルールについて殆ど熟知しておらず、それ故このHOWTOフォーラムが適しているかと思い込んでいたのですが、フォーラム違いでしたら改めてお詫びいたします。 :oops:


これらの内容はいずれも大した内容ではございませんが、どなた様かの一助になれば幸いと思い、何れこの掲示板内で紹介記事を投稿させ頂ければと考えています。これらの内容はどこのフォーラムがベストでしょうか。やはり何でもありの「ユーザーズカフェ」がベストでしょうか。 :?:

ルビー さんが書きました: パピーは、コマンドなど叩いた事のない、Linux初心者にも優しいディストリを目指していると思うし、実際、他のディストリよりも優しいと思います。

PuppyLinuxが初心者にやさしいディストリビューションであるというのは、当方も同じ思いです。右も左も分からぬLinuxど素人だった私にも簡単に操作できたというのは、ありがたいことでした。 :)

ルビー さんが書きました:
ssnys さんが書きました: 「GeanyやLeafpadを押しのけて」とありますが、ここで用いられている「押しのけて」が、どういった意味かは当方の愚鈍さ故計り兼ねますが、

当方の返信が、重箱の隅を突く様な回答で申し訳ない限りです。 :cry:
ルビー さんが書きました:
ssnys さんが書きました: 各種言語のシンタックスハイライトも有効にしているとの記述にも関わらず、設定ファイルの内容にはシンタックスハイライトを有効にする記述が含まれていませんでした。本来の~/.nanorcの内容は以下のような記述になります。

シンタックスハイライトの設定ファイルは個人個人で作成してもよいのですが、 ... no/2.2.6-1から取ってくると簡単でございます。



コード: 全て選択

~# cd /tmp
tmp# wget
--2018-06-16 23:48:00-- ( をDNSに問いあわせています..., (||:80 に接続しています... 接続しました。
HTTP による接続要求を送信しました、応答を待っています... 200 OK
長さ: 180146 (176K) [application/x-debian-package]
Saving to: `nano_2.2.6-1_i386.deb'

100%[======================================>] 180,146     9.92K/s 時間 14s     

2018-06-16 23:48:16 (12.4 KB/s) - `nano_2.2.6-1_i386.deb' saved [180146/180146]

tmp# nanotmp=`mktemp -d`
tmp# dpkg-deb -x nano_2.2.6-1_i386.deb "${nanotmp}"
tmp# mkdir -p "${HOME}/.nano/syntax/"
tmp# cp -a ${nanotmp}/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc "${HOME}/.nano/syntax/"
tmp# rm -f -r nano_2.2.6-1_i386.deb "${nanotmp}"
tmp# unset nanotmp
tmp# cd -
💻Lenovo G550(CPU: Intel Celeron 900 @ 2.20GHz, RAM: 971MB, HDD: 149.05GiB) + Precise-571JP
🖥HITACHI FLORA 310 DL7(CPU: Intel Pentium III 700 MHz, RAM:512MB) + Precise-571JP