ページ 11

How to make .sfs file

Posted: 08/07/09(水) 18:45
by YoN
How to make .sfs file

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... mksquashfs


コード: 全て選択

# mksquashfs workingdir new.sfs
出来上がった.sfsファイルを修正したい時に、中を見るにはどうしたらよいのでしょうか?PETパッケージの場合は、pet2tgz と言うスクリプトがあるけれど。(独り言)

Posted: 08/07/09(水) 23:29
by 暇人

コード: 全て選択

# unsquashfs --help
SYNTAX: unsquashfs [options] filesystem [directories or files to extract]
	-v[ersion]		print version, licence and copyright information
	-i[nfo]			print files as they are unsquashed
	-li[nfo]		print files as they are unsquashed with file
				attributes (like ls -l output)
	-l[s]			list filesystem, but don't unsquash
	-ll[s]			list filesystem with file attributes (like
				ls -l output), but don't unsquash
	-d[est] <pathname>	unsquash to <pathname>, default "squashfs-root"
	-f[orce]		if file already exists then overwrite
	-s[tat]			display filesystem superblock information
	-e[f] <extract file>	list of directories or files to extract.
				One per line
	-r[egex]		treat extract names as POSIX regular expressions
				rather than use the default shell wildcard
				expansion (globbing)

Posted: 08/12/29(月) 18:59
by jake